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An independent, coed K-12 day school in Atlanta

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Volleyball - Junior Varsity Girls

Open Gyms will take place this summer in Wallace or Glover Gym and will be led by the coaching staff. Please use the links below to sign up prior to noon on the day of the scheduled open gym. If there are fewer than four athletes signed up, the session will be cancelled. 


Week of June 3-7

Week of June 10-14

Week of June 17-21

Week of June 24-28

Week of July 8-12

Week of July 22-26





"Upper School tryouts (rising 9-12) will be held on May 2-3 in Wallace Gym at 4-6 p.m. If you are an athlete participating in a Spring sport that is still competing, you will try out on Monday, July 29, and Tuesday, July 30 from 3-5 p.m. Please complete this Google Form to let the coaches know that you intend to try out. Please email Coach Sutherland with any questions."


"Middle School tryouts (rising 7 & 8) will be held on August 5, 6, and 7 from 3-5 p.m. in Glover Gym. Athletes will need to attend the entirety of all three sessions in order to make a team. Please email Coach Sutherland with any questions."