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An independent, coed K-12 day school in 亚特兰大



Campus MAster Plan

Putting Learning on Display

Lovett was founded on the idea that play is an essential part of learning. Lovett at its best has students experience topics firsthand. Eva Edwards Lovett and every teacher since has aimed to create learning environments that are engaging, 具有挑战性的, 和愉快的. Environments where students are motivated to nurture their curiosity, 创造力, and critical thinking through experiential learning. And at the heart of this process is play.

Play for our students goes beyond recess and after-school activities. Instead, it is a vital part of how our students learn and grow. Play allows students to explore, experiment, and take risks. It inspires imagination and 创造力. It encourages them to ask questions, make connections, and discover new possibilities. It also helps them to develop the important social and emotional skills that define our unique whole child education, like communication, 合作, 和共鸣.

To showcase this unique approach to education, Lovett has embarked on a campus master plan that puts our learning on display. Our plan will allow all three divisions to engage in play and learning together. It will welcome our community, 领导人, and visitors to campus in a manner we have never been able to do before. It will harness and enhance the natural resources of our riverfront campus in an intentional, rewarding and powerful manner.

We are excited about the opportunities that will result from this campus master plan as we bolster the transformational learning experiences of our students. We believe that by doing so, we can help our students become lifelong learners who are ready to thrive in life, prepared to successfully face the challenges of the future.



The Campus Master Plan

Our vision for Lovett’s campus calls for the aging 社区 Center to be replaced by an as-yet-unnamed building, which we are calling “The 河岸中心” for now, as a new front door to campus; adjusted vehicle access and parking to elevate the on-campus experience; enhanced play areas; and an expansive, shared campus lawn to connect all academic divisions.

These enhancements will deepen our sense of community, further the School’s mission, and strengthen our connection with the natural beauty of our campus.